Felix draws his energy from multi-dimensional and multi-lateral knowledge ecosystems, building synergies within and between organizations. With a history of leadership roles in NPOs, project management experience in consulting as well as working and studying internationally, he is able to draw from a wide range of experiences to achieve his goals.
Felix Rank is co-founder of the German Forum for Ethical Machine Decision Making, a think tank for the responsible use of algorithms and artificial intelligence.
He has organized and moderated the TUM Speakers Series with guests such as Bill Gates, Kofi Annan and Eric Schmidt during his studies at the Technical University of Munich.
As a senior consultant, he is responsible for the digitalization of sales and marketing processes for a large insurance company.
Since 2014, he has been involved in numerous student initiatives as well as non-profit organizations, is currently the President of the Student Initiative Association Munich and Global Shaper of the World Economic Forum.
Interests: Re-skilling and up-skilling
Organizations: German Forum for Ethical Machine Decision Making
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